Esther Lilly Hundley
Cast of characters
Esther Lilly Hundley & Charles Hundley (written as Charley/Chas), the author of the diaries and her husband.
Bill (written as Billie) and Elsie, Esther and Charles’ firstborn and his wife.
Ted and Thelma, Esther and Charles’ second-born and Ted’s wife.
Gladys and Roy Bills (written as Mr. B. or Mr. Bills), Esther and Charles’ third-born and her boyfriend.
Mon Sept 15 – Cloudy & sunshine. We went to hop yd at 6:30, all done well picking. Gladie got 320, I got 337. Dick came up about 5, he got done in the hop yard, where he was boss on Sunday, had 7 days.
Tue Sept 16 – Clear & warm We went to hop yd at 6:30, all done good again. Dick went hunting, got one on summit, had it all cleaned when we got home. The kids all came down after supper.
Wed Sept 17 – Clear & warm, real hot in afternoon. We went to hop yd at 6:30. Dick went hunting again, got nothing tho.
Thur Sept 18 – Clear & hot. We went to hop yd at 6:30 again, the last day, got done at 10. Gladie got a little one over one hundred pounds. I got 125. Had ice cream & a big time by the willows. We got home at 12. Then cleaned the house up. I picked a lot of cucumbers. Dick went hunting, got back about 3, then soon went home. Gladie’s check $26.63, mine $28.95.
Fri Sept 19 – Some cloudy & sunshine. I did out a wash and 4 blankets, fixed up 5 qut of pickles and was busy all day. Oliver came for dinner. After supper, Gladie & I, also Mrs. Harper & Oliver went up to Camp, took kids some musk mellons, got home about 9:30.
Sat Sept 20 – A real warm day. We did up a lot of work, then took a bath. Fixed to go to town about 10 o’clock. We did a lot of shopping, got a lunch, went out to the Naylor Grove to eat it. Then went on to Hillsboro, got us a dress a piece, print & gingham. Came back to F.G. & did some shopping. Got home at 4:15. Dick came up about 5. Ted & Thelma came from F.G., stayed all nite.
Sun Sept 21 – Cloudy & sunshine. I made cocoa nut cream pies, did a lot of other cooking. Dick went hunting real early. Ted & Thelma went up to Pike about 10. Charley, Gladie & I went up to Billie’s & Elsie’s about 11, had dinner with them, stayed till 3. They came home with us, stayed for lunch. Gladie went to a show. Arthur Clark came for awhile.