Oak Grove Academy in Gales Creek. Photo: Chas Hundley
UPDATE, 4:42 p.m.: Forest Grove School District staff say that Oak Grove will be closed Thursday as well, but anticipate a return to regular scheduling on Friday.
Gales Creek – Oak Grove Academy, housed at the Gales Creek School and in classrooms in Forest Grove’s Tom McCall East building have closed today due to 11 staff members being absent due to illnesses, most with flu-like symptoms.
In a statement, the Forest Grove School District noted the closure affected both the Gales Creek-based academy and the two cloakrooms that host part of the program at TomMcall East.
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It’s not yet clear how long the closure will last.
“We will evaluate the situation and see where we’re at at the end of the day and determine what tomorrow will look like,” said David Warner, FGSD Director of Communications & Engagement in an email to the Gales Creek Journal.
The students will that would normally attend Oak Grove will have an excused absence today, Warner said.
Oak Grove Academy is a therapeutic educational program that serves students that qualify for special education from grades 6-12.
This article has been updated additional information provided by FGSD on the number of staff who are ill.

Chas Hundley is the editor of the Gales Creek Journal and sister news publications the Banks Post and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.