Elections, HD32, Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Elect George Kiepke

Photo: George Kiepke, courtesy George Kiepke.

Elect George Kiepke, Oregon House Representative District 32.

Healthy environment. Healthy economies. Healthy communities.

We must address the pressing issues, we need independent, thoughtful leaders focused on common sense and shared values. Strong families build strong economies.

Working families need secure family and living wage jobs. We must manage our natural resources in a manner that focuses on productivity and restoration.

This will be obtained by managing natural resources and wildlife while promoting local jobs. We must maintain rural industries and promote local jobs with education and vocational training. Supporting apprenticeship programs and trade schools to keep younger citizens employable.

I have always stood with law enforcement and firefighters on public safety issues. I also have supported our military, national guard, and honored veterans. I believe strongly in the need to fully fund our schools and colleges. 

Send a letter to the editor at [email protected] with your name, address, and phone number (will not be published) on issues, news, and items of concern in the community. Please keep it between 100-350 words. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, spelling, and punctuation errors.

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