Column, Gales Creek, History

Column | The Diaries of Esther Lilly Hundley: July 30 – August 5, 1931

The farm that Esther Lilly Hundley and her family lived on in Gales Creek

Cast of characters

–Esther Lilly Hundley & Charles Hundley (written as Charley/Chas), the author of the diaries and her husband.

–Bill (written as Billie) and Elsie, Esther and Charles’ firstborn and his wife. 

–Ted and Thelma, Esther and Charles’ second-born and Ted’s wife.

–Gladys and Roy Bills (written as Mr. B. or Mr. Bills), Esther and Charles’ third-born and her boyfriend.

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Thur July 30 – A clear hot day. We did usual work . I made some cup cakes for dinner. Ted & Thelma & Joanne came while we were eating, they went to the creek to swim. Gladie went over to Hilda’s. Charley went up to Rain’s Camp to get a job. I read & slept some, Troy came over to get some plums. Gladie went out some place, after supper. 

Fri July 31 – Clear & warm. Did some ironing, then fixed up a lunch. Charley went to town. Gladie and I went along, got off at Watts bridge and fished up the creek, got back to bridge at noon, then we all had lunch. Oliver was along, got no fish, creek too riley. 

This book finishes up one year & one month of my diary.

Esther Lilly Hundley

Sat Aug 1 – Clear & hot, 94 in shade. Did up our usual Sat. work. Killed & dressed two young roosters for Sunday and Gladie and I took a bath. Charley began work up to Rain’s Rogers Camp today. Vera came over awhile, got green beans and plums. Roscoe and Junior Holden came over Wilson River Road on bicycles from Tillamook. 

Sun Aug 2 – Clear & hot. I got up at 5. We had breakfast over. Began to separate milk on account of the milk war between condenser & Dairy association. I made 3 apple pies and did a lot of other cooking. Billie & Elsie & Ronnie came down about 10:30. We had dinner over. Charley went to ball game at G.C. Hillsboro team & Gales Creek teams played, G.C. won the game. Gladie went riding some place. Billie & Elsie, Ronnie and I went down to Grandma’s at North Plains. Norma, Maggie & Bert were there, we stayed down for a show at Hillsboro’s. Bill Boyd in “Painted Desert”, a dandy good show, was 10:50 when we got home. The kids stayed all nite. Ted & Thelma & Troy & Vera went on a picnic at Kalschs Camp. 

Mon Aug 3 – Clear & some cooler. We fixed up a lunch and went down on creek at Kalsch Camp. Billie & Gladie fished but got none. We got home at 3:30. Charley went to work up Rains Camp. Oliver came, also Ted & Thelma & Joanne all here for supper. 

Tue Aug 4 – Clear & cooler. Busy all fore noon. Canned 8 qut plums. Billie fixed new steps to barn. Charley came home in p.m. sick at stomach. Billie & Elsie went home after supper. Stayed 2 nites. 

Wed Aug 5 – Cloudy & cool. Did usual work. Charley went up to mill to work. Gladie went fishing over to Iler Creek. I wrote some letters. Slept some in p.m. Oliver came, stayed for supper. We went to church at G.C. Fred Wilson preached. Ronnie’s 10th month birthday. 

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