The farm that Esther Lilly Hundley and her family lived on in Gales Creek
Editor’s note: The Diaries of Esther Lilly Hundley will take a short hiatus after this week’s installment.
Cast of Characters
–Esther Lilly Hundley & Charles Hundley (written as Charley/Chas), the author of the diaries and her husband.
–Bill (written as Billie) and Elsie, Esther and Charles’ firstborn and his wife.
–Ted and Thelma, Esther and Charles’ second-born and Ted’s wife.
–Gladys and Roy Bills (written as Mr. B. or Mr. Bills), Esther and Charles’ third-born and her boyfriend.
Wed Apr 27-A nice day. I made sponge cake, light bread, churned & usual work: Emmet & Charley cultivated the strawberries. Billie & Elsie came, just as we got throu eating dinner. Billie went fishing, the rest of us went to town. Charley went down to see about his eyes. We got back at 4:15. B & E stayed for supper.
Thur Apr 28-A nice day. We did usual work. Then I hoed in little garden some. Emmet harrowed in bottom. Gladie washed her hair. We went to F.G. in afternoon. Charley went to see about his eyes but no one in F. G. could do any thing. Delpha came as supper was ready, stayed all nite. Gladie went out some place, I don’t know where.
Fri Apr 29-A fine day. We just did usual work. Delpha went over to Vera’s for dinner. Emmet worked up the garden. After noon, Charley, Gladie & I went to town & on to Hillsboro. Charley went to see an eye specialist there. He began treatments for his eyes, was about 5 when we got home. We all went over to school house to an entertainment, had a fine time, had a big bon fire & buns, wieners & coffee, got home at 11.
Sat Apr 30-Nice in forenoon but rained some in p.m. We did usual work. Did not go to town today. Emmet worked all day. We all just stayed home.
Sun May 1-Rain, Rain. I made some butterscotch pies. We all, Charley, Emmet, Gladie & I went up to spend the day with Billie & Elsie in their new house at Rains Camp, had a nice dinner. Then after noon, all came down here, spent the rest of the day. Gladie went to a show some where. Ted & Thelma went to Pike.
Mon May 2-Cloudy, some showery. I killed a chicken for dinner. Emmet’s & my birthday, had a real good dinner in the p.m. We went to Hillsboro, Charley had to go to eye specialist. Vera went with us. Emmet went home; we got home about 5.
Tue May 3-A nice day. We did usual work. Ted & Thelma came about 9:30, stayed till after supper. He plowed his ground up around his house. Gladie & Thelma slept about all afternoon. I hoed 3 rows of strawberries. I put out the wash today.