News, Tillamook State Forest, Wildfire

Fire danger drops to ‘moderate’ as fall rains begin

Rain has finally doused the region, and fire danger in Oregon Department of Forestry-protected lands in and around the Tillamook Forest is now listed at “moderate” as of Wednesday at noon. 

That doesn’t mean the risk is gone. 

“Though the weather is changing, ODF is still catching new fire starts daily. Please continue to practice wildfire prevention as we transition to fall,” the state agency said Thursday afternoon. 

Thursday afternoon, Banks Fire District 13 and Forest Grove Fire & Rescue responded to several mulch piles that caught fire between Banks and Forest Grove south of Reiling Road. 

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The agencies worked with the staff of the nursery the piles were located on to break them apart and extinguish them.

Wednesday, Forest Grove Fire & Rescue put the lowered, but continued risk bluntly, and noted that outside burning remained banned.

“The rain we get today and tomorrow is going to do nothing when we get 3 days of 80° weather over the weekend,”the agency posted on social media. FGF&R serves the city of Forest Grove and the surrounding Forest Grove Rural Fire Protection District in Gales Creek, Verboort, Dilley, and areas just outside of Banks. 

With fire danger at moderate, OHV trails are now open all day. 

Campfires must be kept to designated campfire rings only. 

Las week, Industrial Fire Precaution Levels (IFPL) in the region dropped to the lowest level, IFPL 1.

More information on current fire restrictions for the general public and industrial forest users can be found online.

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Chas Hundley is the editor of the Gales Creek Journal and sister news publications the Banks Post and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.

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