Fishing, News, Recreation

Free Fishing Weekend is here

Free Fishing Weekend is back today and Saturday, the final of three such “Free Fishing Weekends” to be held in 2022.

On those days, fishing, crabbing, and clamming is free to all residents and non-residents, meaning no fishing licenses or tags, including a Combined Angling Tag or Columbia River Basin Endorsement are required.

“Opt Outside the two days after Thanksgiving and make fishing part of your plans with friends and family,” the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife said in a press release.  

“The SMALL PRINT: Area closures, bag limits and all other regulations still apply,” ODFW said.

ODFW has compiled a number of angling resources, including a list of 50 fishing locations within one hour of Portland, a list which includes Gales Creek’s 8-acre Dorman Pond on Highway 6, a list of family-friendly fishing areas throughout the state, a weekly recreation report, and a trout stocking schedule

ODFW has created a map that shows — complete with little fish icons — stocking locations and popular fishing locations throughout the state.

Check with the local jurisdiction that maintains or owns the body of water you plan on fishing for any closures before visiting.

ODFW sport fishing regulations can be found online

From ODF&W:

Currently, crabbing is open in bays, beaches, estuaries, tide pools, piers and jetties along the entire Oregon coast. Crabbing is closed in the ocean due to the annual closure from Oct. 16-Nov. 30 each year.

Remember to call the ODA Shellfish safety hotline at 1-800-448-2474 or check their Shellfish page before you go clamming or crabbing. The Oregon Department of Agriculture regularly tests shellfish and closes areas when naturally occurring biotoxins get to levels that make crabs and clams unsafe to eat.

Currently, razor clamming is closed along the entire coast but this closure may change by Thanksgiving weekend.

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Chas Hundley is the editor of the Gales Creek Journal and sister news publications the Banks Post and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.

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