The Washington County Sheriff’s Office near Hillside. Photo: Washington County Sheriff’s Office HILLSIDE – According to the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, the suspected driver of a Dodge Challenger stolen out of Forest Grove is on the run in the NW Shearer Hill Road area south of Highway 6 after smashing[Read More…]
Chas Hundley
Washington County won’t move to next phase, seeks independence from tri-county COVID coupling
A map showing the status, as of Sunday, July 12, or Oregon’s counties and their phases. Photo: Oregon Health Authority WASHINGTON COUNTY – With case counts rising in Oregon, the tri-county region (Washington, Multnomah, Clackamas Counties) won’t be entering phase 2 of Governor Kate Brown’s reopening Oregon plan under current[Read More…]
Sheriff’s Office responds to Gales Creek residence over dispute involving gun
A Washington County Sheriff’s Office vehicle. Photo: Chas Hundley GALES CREEK – The Washington County Sheriff’s Office responded to reports of a dispute between neighbors where one person pulled a gun on another Friday evening near Highway 6 and the Lyda Drive area. “It appears our investigators are currently seeking[Read More…]
DMV launches additional online services
Photo courtesy of ODOT OREGON – The Oregon DMV says they have completed a multi-year computer replacement project on Monday, July 6, enabling the agency to offer more services online than before. It’s a timely upgrade, with Oregonians facing difficulties in getting service at DMV due to measures set in[Read More…]
Fire season begins statewide
ODF offices in Forest Grove. Photo: Chas Hundley OREGON – Fire season began July 1 for the Gales Creek area beginning July 1, and as of Monday, July 6, the rest of the state’s ODF protected lands have followed suit, according to the Oregon Department of Forestry. ODF’s Southwest Oregon[Read More…]
Where to watch fireworks on the 4th of July
Fireworks from a past fireworks show in Forest Grove. Photo: Forest Grove Fire & Rescue With firework displays being cancelled left and right, many readers are left wondering where to watch fireworks on July 4. For those in Gales Creek hoping to watch a show, the news is good. This[Read More…]
Region to officially enter fire season July 1
A Forest Grove Fire & Rescue vehicle stationed at the Gales Creek Fire Station. Photo: Chas Hundley NW OREGON – The Oregon Department of Forestry announced that the Northwest Oregon Forest Protective Association region, which includes much of the regions of Gales Creek, Buxton, Timber, Manning, and the Tillamook State[Read More…]
Gov. Brown issues statewide mandatory mask order
A face mask. File photo: Chas Hundley OREGON – Beginning Wednesday, July 1, everyone in Oregon will be required to wear a face covering in indoor public spaces. Previously, a mandatory face covering rule had been issued for eight counties — including Washington County — as the state grappled with[Read More…]
B Street will close in Forest Grove beginning July 6 for bridge replacement
The planned detour for the B Street Naylor Creek bridge replacement project beginning July 6. Photo: Washington Co. LUT FOREST GROVE – Gales Creek area commuters may be impacted by a planned closure of B Street between Stringtown Road and the Gales Creek bridge near Forest Grove beginning Monday, July[Read More…]
Inmate who escaped work crew has history of running from authorities
South Fork Forest Camp entrance in November 2017. Photo: Chas Hundley TILLAMOOK STATE FOREST – Brandon Sykes walked away from a South Fork Forest Camp work crew late Monday morning near the Coast Range summit on Highway 6, and has yet to be apprehended. “Unfortunately, we do not have an[Read More…]