Drop your ballot off by 8 p.m. Tuesday night, or mail it with a postmark by then to have your vote counted.
The Gales Creek, Verboort and Roy CPO 13 is taking steps to relaunch
Move over, CPO 14: the Gales Creek, Roy and Verboort-area Community Participation Organization (enumerated as CPO 13) is also in the process of launching, just weeks after CPO 14 officially launched.
What’s going on in Gales Creek this weekend, May 17
There’s live music at two spots in Gales Creek this weekend!
Return ballot by 8 p.m. May 21 to have vote counted
Those looking to cast a vote must either drop their signed ballot in one of numerous ballot drop boxes scattered across the county or mail it, as long as it is postmarked by 8 p.m. Tuesday night.
Gales Creek Fire Station to get new coat of paint
The 1980s are coming to an end in downtown Gales Creek.
Oregon DOJ says no criminal charges warranted in bourbon scandal
The Oregon Department of Justice concluded that no criminal charges are warranted for the six former Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission employees who set aside bottles of in-demand bourbon for their personal use.
What’s going on in Gales Creek this weekend, May 10
A cleanup at the Gales Creek Church, Live music at the Smokehouse and a Mother’s Day concert at Carpenter Creek are all on tap for this weekend in the Gales Creek area.
Massive solar eruptions could hit Earth starting Friday
Over the last few days, a series of coronal mass ejections (CME) have erupted from the Sun, and are likely to merge and reach Earth starting Friday or Saturday, said the Space Weather Prediction Center. The aurora could be visible as far south as northern California.
Man arrested in Gales Creek over North Plains theft
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office said that construction equipment stolen from North Plains was tracked down to a Gales Creek-area home and arrested Shaun Billman, 40 on May 2 over the theft.
Minivan burns on Easterday Road
A minivan burned Friday afternoon after getting stuck in deep ruts on Easterday Road between Watts and Dilly, Forest Grove Fire & Rescue said.