Two Republicans, one Democrat seek to represent House District 31 that includes Banks, Vernonia and Gales Creek.
What’s going on in Gales Creek this weekend, May 3
Live music in Gales Creek, Dilley, and more this weekend and next.
Church grounds cleanup rescheduled to May 11
A cleanup day at the Gales Creek Church originally planned for Saturday, May 4 has been postponed to May 11 due to expected adverse weather, the Gales Creek Garden Club said.
Forest Grove School Board selects Dr. Suzanne West as next superintendent
About three dozen people attended the Forest Grove School District board meeting Wednesday to witness just one action item on the agenda: the selection of the next superintendent of the Forest Grove School District.
That choice, adopted unanimously by the board, is Dr. Suzanne West.
Oak Grove Academy closed in Gales Creek due to water main break
The Forest Grove School District said that the Oak Grove Academy campus at the Gales Creek School closed early for the day due to a water main break in the area. It wasn’t immediately clear if other customers were without water in Gales Creek.
Washington County farms, small businesses can get emergency loans to aid in winter storm recovery
Farms and small businesses in Washington County that suffered damage as a result of this year’s winter weather storm in January have options to seek funding to aid in their recovery.
Oregon wildfire, smoke experts weigh in on future risks and 2024 season
Oregon’s getting better at preventing and responding to wildfires, experts said Thursday, but much more still needs to be done.
Vehicle chase ends on Gales Creek Road west of Watts
After causing a crash in Cornelius and near Verboort, a fleeing driver was tackled and arrested after a PIT maneuver was used to force her off Gales Creek Road west of Stringtown Road.
What’s going on in Gales Creek this weekend, April 26
Kendall Lujan, Blair Borax, Just Clark, and yes, Dumpster Joe will all be in Gales Creek this or next weekend.
Gales Creek’s Dorman Pond will be stocked with 1,332 trout next week
Gales Creek’s Dorman Pond will receive 1,332 legal-size rainbow trout sometime between April 29 and May 3.