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Fighting the ‘infodemic’ of false coronavirus information on social media

This illustration, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reveals ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses. Credit: Alissa Eckert, MS; Dan Higgins, MAM Coronavirus resources: CDC on the coronavirus, Oregon Health Authority resources, Washington County resources, Oregonian reporting on the coronavirus, OPB glossary of coronavirus terms, NYTimes free reporting on the coronavirus.  Good grief,[Read More…]

County Dispatch: Blood drives, poaching, coronavirus

A recent blood drive in Forest Grove. Photo: Chas Hundley Coronavirus resources: CDC on the coronavirus, Oregon Health Authority resources, Washington County resources, Oregonian reporting on the coronavirus, OPB glossary of coronavirus terms, NYTimes free reporting on the coronavirus.  This week’s installment of the county dispatch – quick hits that you should read, that we want[Read More…]

State, local agencies ask residents to refrain from outdoor burning

A controlled burn in the Tillamook State Forest from 2016. Photo: Chas Hundley Coronavirus resources: CDC on the coronavirus, Oregon Health Authority resources, Washington County resources, Oregonian reporting on the coronavirus, OPB glossary of coronavirus terms, NYTimes free reporting on the coronavirus.  OREGON – It’s not a law, but a coalition of agencies, including local Washington[Read More…]

State Dispatch: Coronavirus updates, ODF seeks public input, election update

The Oregon Capitol building in Salem. Photo: Chas Hundley Coronavirus resources: CDC on the coronavirus, Oregon Health Authority resources, Washington County resources, Oregonian reporting on the coronavirus, OPB glossary of coronavirus terms, NYTimes free reporting on the coronavirus.  Coronavirus in Oregon: the numbers As of Wednesday, April 8, the most recently available numbers, the Oregon Health[Read More…]

Schools will close for the rest of the school year, shift entirely to distance learning

The Forest Grove School District central office. Photo: Chas Hundley Coronavirus resources: CDC on the coronavirus, Oregon Health Authority resources, Washington County resources, Oregonian reporting on the coronavirus, OPB glossary of coronavirus terms, NYTimes free reporting on the coronavirus.  OREGON – Following the lead of neighboring states Washington, Idaho (mostly), and California, Oregon students won’t set[Read More…]

Primary elections: Will Oregon matter more?

The White House on Sunday, Sept. 30 2018. Photo: Chas Hundley Coronavirus resources: CDC on the coronavirus, Oregon Health Authority resources, Washington County resources, Oregonian reporting on the coronavirus, OPB glossary of coronavirus terms, NYTimes free reporting on the coronavirus.  OREGON – When it comes to choosing a party nominee for president, primary elections in Oregon[Read More…]

Column | The Diaries of Esther Lilly Hundley: April 9 – April 15, 1931

The farm that Esther Lilly Hundley and her family lived on in Gales Creek Cast of characters –Esther Lilly Hundley & Charles Hundley (written as Charley/Chas), the author of the diaries and her husband. –Bill (written as Billie) and Elsie, Esther and Charles’ firstborn and his wife.  –Ted and Thelma,[Read More…]

Gov. Kate Brown issues 90-day moratorium on commercial evictions

Oregon governor Kate Brown. Dave Killen / staff The Oregonian Coronavirus resources: CDC on the coronavirus, Oregon Health Authority resources, Washington County resources, Oregonian reporting on the coronavirus, OPB glossary of coronavirus terms, NYTimes free reporting on the coronavirus.  This article was originally published by the Oregonian/OregonLive, one of more than a dozen news organizations throughout[Read More…]

Oregon Historical Society asks for Oregonians’ experiences during COVID-19 pandemic

File photo: Chas Hundley Coronavirus resources: CDC on the coronavirus, Oregon Health Authority resources, Washington County resources, Oregonian reporting on the coronavirus, OPB glossary of coronavirus terms, NYTimes free reporting on the coronavirus.  OREGON – The Oregon Historical Society has put a call out for one-page letters, or hand-written notes, sharing individual reflections and experiences during[Read More…]

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