Column, Gales Creek, History

Column | The Diaries of Esther Lilly Hundley: February 1930

Esther Lilly Hundley

Cast of characters

Esther Lilly Hundley & Charles Hundley (written as Charley/Chas), the author of the diaries and her husband.

Bill (written as Billie) and Elsie, Esther and Charles’ firstborn and his wife. 

Ted and Thelma, Esther and Charles’ second-born and as of April 13, 1929, Ted’s wife. 

Gladys and Roy Bills (written as Mr. B. or Mr. Bills), Esther and Charles’ third-born and her boyfriend. 

Sat Feb 1-It rained. We did our usual work. I finished my rug. Gladie made some wool flowers. Oliver came for awhile.

Sun Feb 2-Cloudy and some rain. I made some delicious cookies. Fred and Mrs. Hiatt came up from Portland about 10 o’clock, stayed till 2. Gladie went down to Grandma’s in p.m. Billie & Elsie came about 4:30. They and Charley, Dick & I went to a show at F.G. “The Vagabond Lover”

Mon Feb 3-Rainy & foggy. Billie & Elsie came about 9 o’clock. Billie went hunting all day. Oliver came stayed all day and till 9 o’clock.

Tue Feb 4-Foggy & sunshine. Billie & Elsie came & Irene, went to town. Bung had the mumps. Paid the Oregonian kid.

Wed Feb 5-Foggy & sunshine. I put out a wash real early, then made some berry pies. Ted & Thelma came about 11. Oliver came afternoon stayed till 9 o’clock. I started another rug.

Thur Feb 6-Cloudy & sunshine. The snow all gone. I made a batch of doenuts. Charley, Dick & Ted fell a tree for wood.

Fri Feb 7-Rainy this a.m., high waters. We ironed. Gladie made some candy. Rained about all day. We all did nothing, only set around & read.

Sat Feb 8-A real nice day. We did our usual work. Ted & Dick & Charley moved the wood saw. Afternoon, Charley, Thelma, Gladie & I went to town. Ted & Dick sawed wood. Thelma stayed down town. Ted went down after supper. They came back in the nite. I sent Ed a birthday card today from F.G.

Sun Feb 9-A nice day. We did our general Sun. work. Afternoon, Thelma, Gladie, Ted, Dick & I all went down to Grandma’s, stayed till after supper. Took in a show at Hillsboro, John Barrymore in “General Crock”. Gladie went to F.G. to show, “The Show Of Shows”. Billie & Elsie & Charley also went to see it. We got home at 10:30.

Mon Feb 10-Rainy about all day. Ted filed the saw in afternoon. I finished up another rug after supper.

Tue Feb 11-A nice day but cloudy. Ted, Dick & Charley started sawing wood. Sawed all day. Thelma went up to wood saw. Gladie went to her traps. I started on some rags for a rug.

Wed Feb 12-Cloudy all day. I put out a wash. They sawed wood all day. Ted & Thelma went home about 2:30. They stayed down just a week. I went up to where Dick & Chas was sawing wood. A big dance at Balm Grove tonite. Bill Clapshaw gave it free.

Thur Feb 13-A nice day. We just did our usual work. Chas & Dick sawed wood. Billie & Elsie came afternoon. Stayed till about 8 o’clock. I gave Elsie the rug I made for them.

Fri Feb 14-St. Valentine’s Day. A lovely day. Just like a spring day. We did the ironing and usual work & took a bath. Chas. & Dick finished sawing up the big tree about 90 cuts in it. Grandpa H. came over after noon. Gladie got some pussy willows, the first. Billie & Elsie went to Portland today to see Mrs. Paris.

Sat Feb 15-Foggy. We did our usual Sat. work. Fred came out from Portland just at dinner time. Went to Timber, afternoon. Charley went to town. Gladie & I went with Dick in his Star car. He went down to Grandma’s, stayed over two weeks. Helped saw wood. Gladie & I went to a show. Billie Dove in “Her Private Life”. Charley went to a sale, got a round dining table. We got home about 5. Fred stayed here all nite.

Sun Feb 16-Foggy all day. We stayed home all day. Troy & Jim came down for awhile in afternoon. Ted & Thelma went up to Kendall’s. Billie & Elsie came back from Portland about 6. They stayed all nite. Gladie went to a show.

Mon Feb 17-Cloudy. Billie & Elsie went home before 9. Then I cut out Gladie’s blue print dress, trimmed in lace. Gladie went to her traps, found the first Blue Eyes. Grandpa H. came over. I cut Charley’s hair.

Tue Feb 18-Rainy all day. We got up early & did our work and got ready & went down to Grandma’s. Charley, Gladie & I got there at 10 a.m. Stayed till 2:30. Stopped in Hillsboro at Weil’s Store, got us a gingham dress & lace collars. Got home at 4:30.

Wed Feb 19-Rainy. I put out a wash real early, then cut out my gingham dress & made it. Oliver came in a.m. stayed till about 8 o’clock.

Thur Feb 20-Still rainy. I washed my hair, then we cleaned the up stairs and then I marcelled my hair. Afternoon, Gladie & I went up to Camp to see Billie & Elsie, they came down with us and stayed till about 8:30. Oliver came stayed for supper. Gladie went to a show at Hillsboro.

Fri Feb 21-Cloudy & sunshine, a nice day. We ironed and I washed a wool blanket. Then fixed my black dress over. Gladie went over to Hilda’s. Afternoon, Charley went to F.G. got him some new shoes at Penney’s I sewed rug rags, started a rug after supper.

Sat Feb 22-Rain & sunshine. We did our usual Sat. work. Gladie, Hilda & I went to F.G. about 12:30 to see the big parade, the Dedication of the New Legion Hall. There was a big crowd there. Governor Norblad was there. We got home at 4:30. Fred came from Tillamook today, stayed here all nite.

Sun Feb 23-Some snow, enough to make the ground white. Fred started back to Tillamook about 8 o’clock, to go in to a carpenter shop for himself. Ted & Thelma came. Bill & Elsie all stayed till after supper. Gladie went someplace about 2 o’clock. I don’t know where tho. Ted & Thelma went back to Pike. She went to Portland and out to City Park.

Mon Feb 24-Chilly. I made my dark blue flowered dress, slept some in afternoon and then made on my rug.

Tue Feb 25-Rain & sunshine. I made Gladie a red checked gingham dress, early in the morning. Oliver came about 10 o’clock, stayed till 3:30. I cut out & stamped flower garden quilt blocks. Gladie embroidered on her table spread. Dick came about 3:30, brought 4 white ducks.

Wed Feb 26-A nice day. I put out a wash, put them outside on lines for first time this spring. We churned. I made 2 custard pies. Afternoon, I started to embroidery on my quilt block. Grandpa H. came awhile. Gladie finished up her table spread & napkins. Then she slept some. Leon was operated on for appendicitis today.

Thur Wed 27-Clead & a frost. I made some banana cream pies. I embroidered on my bed spread. Billie & Elsie came after summer. Oliver came before supper, to listen to a fight over radio, Jack Sharkie & Scott. Sharkie got the fight. Gladie went to a show.

Fri Feb 28-Frost. We ironed and did general work. Charley went to town & on to Hillsboro in p.m. to pay dog tax. Gladie slept some. I embroidered.

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