Sharon Hundley
You’ve undoubtedly seen calendars with certain holidays printed in red. As a child, I would sit down with the newly acquired calendar, and after perusing the beautiful pictures, I would take note of all the “Red Letter Days”. Nowhere did I ever see Chick Day marked in red. It should be. I want you to know that, also as a child, never did I purpose to grow up to be a ‘crazy chicken lady’. Somewhere along the line it happened.
March 16th was Chick Day and Salamanca Farms. Mind you, I just went down to see the chicks, watch others delighting in their new babies, and be able to report on it in this column. I had just hatched 18 babies of my own, so, no Brian, I do not need any more. I didn’t do too badly…I only came home with three. Two weeks later when I ran out of starter feed I only came home with two more. When someone needs to rehome their chickens, you guessed it, I am the recipient. Chickens are delightful creatures. They follow you around hoping for a handout, as chickens eat continually. I have a couple ducks in the mix, and had turkeys as well, but they all succumbed to some malady. I have two who crowd my feet to be picked up and settle in for hugs and cooing. The variety of colors in my herd give me great pleasure and as I am gardening, the gentle chicken sounds soothe me. And the ‘home grown’ eggs, my word, nothing is better!
Salamanca Farms still has chicks, and eggs as well. And if you need any crazy chicken lady lessons, I’m open to consultations!
You have undoubtedly noticed that if you need a community hall, or meeting venue, Gales Creek Church is often open to the public. In appreciation of the continual use of the building for our monthly meetings and annual plant sale, the Gales Creek Garden Club purchased and laid a truck load of bark dust on the Church garden beds. In addition to the 13 members of Garden Club, Oak Grove Academy which meets in the Gales Creek School, sent over 1 staff and 5 students, who helped get the job done in double time.
Because the Church spruces up the grounds annually in anticipation of Resurrection Sunday, they were very appreciative of the hard work and generosity of these groups. The Church would like to extend an invitation to attend services on April 21st, at 10:30 for celebration of Christ’s Resurrection.
The next Garden Club event will be the annual plant sale on April 17th at 11:00 a.m. At Gales Creek Church. If you have plants you would like to donate to the sale, you can bring them on Tuesday, April 16, at 3:00 p.m. to the Church.
Mark your calendars….it’s another red letter day! June 8, from 11 am to 4 pm 20-30 vendors, Church and Community members, musicians, food carts and hopefully YOU, will convene at the Gales Creek School and Church for a sunny and fun day. In addition to our famous strawberry shortcake there will be food carts offering a variety of fare. If you are interested in being a vendor there are still a few openings. There is a 2019 Strawberry Festival Facebook Page with pertinent information.

Sharon writes Gales Creek Gatherings, an occasional column that chronicles community events and gatherings in and near the Gales Creek Valley.