Column, Gales Creek, History

Column | The Diaries of Esther Lilly Hundley: May 21- May 27, 1931

The farm that Esther Lilly Hundley and her family lived on in Gales Creek

Cast of characters

–Esther Lilly Hundley & Charles Hundley (written as Charley/Chas), the author of the diaries and her husband.

–Bill (written as Billie) and Elsie, Esther and Charles’ firstborn and his wife. 

–Ted and Thelma, Esther and Charles’ second-born and Ted’s wife.

–Gladys and Roy Bills (written as Mr. B. or Mr. Bills), Esther and Charles’ third-born and her boyfriend.

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Thur May 21 – Cloudy & cooler. Gladie and I put out 52 tomato plants real early this a.m. Then we ironed. I made light bread and washed 2 blankets, washed the bedroom curtains & windows, scrubbed the floor, got it all done by 11:30. We washed our hair, then curled it in p.m. Slept a little. Gladie went after cows. Charley plowed for Sanburg. Today is Ted’s 27 birthday, all I could get for him was a pair of silk sox. The kids all came down after supper. We finished the garden. They left soon after 8. Oliver came. Gladie went some place. 

Fri May 22 – Cloudy, some rain. We cleaned the  up stairs real good, scrubbed the floors, was 2 hours. Charley plowed for Oley S. Gladie went fishing in p.m., got 2. Billie & Ted came down after supper & we went to cemetery to clean lot up, got back by 8 o’clock. The walkathon was ended Thursday nite at 12. 2 couples winning, Cecil Johnson & Helen Roysum and Alice Nelson & Merwin Crawford, got 3 thousand for it, was on since Feb 19. Another walkathon started at midnite the same nite, May 21. 

Sat May 23 – Clear & warm. We did our usual Sat. work, took a bath. Charley plowed for O.B. Sanburg. Gladie tried to hive a swarm of bees. I put out some brown bean seed in lower garden by house. Afternoon, Gladie & I went to town and on to Hillsboro. G. took in $1.60 of mole snoots. We saw Maggie & Bert, also Eva and Also Dick in Hillsboro. I got me a pair of shoes at Weil’s Store, payed $2.49 for them. My birthday money. Set out 2 doz. cabbage plants after supper. 

Sun May 24 – A beautiful day. I made a sunshine sponge cake & did a lot other cooking. No one came all day. Charley & Troy went to G.C. to ball game, about 12:30, gone all p.m. till nearly six. Gladie went some place about 12. I was all alone, lonesome & blue, could hardly stand myself. Did not go to bed till 10 o’clock. Ted & Thelma went to Pike. 

Mon May 25 – A nice day. I put out a wash, did other work as usual. We slept some in p.m. Ted & Thelma came after supper, also Guy Kahler came to tell us to pick berries next day. Troy & Oliver came also. 

Tue May 26 – A beautiful day. We got up early, went to berry patch, over to Guy Kahler’s, got over there at 7, picked till 3:30. Gladie got 12 krate. I got 13 ½. 12 pounds to krate. We get 20 cts a crate for picking. G. made $2.40 I made $2.70. Got a letter from Uncle Henry today. 

Wed May 27 – A fine day. We went to berry patch, picked till nearly 11. Gladie got 6 ½. We slept in p.m. Charley got thru for Sanburg, worked about 8 days, made 27 dollars, Ted & Thelma & baby came down, also Billie & Elsie, but they went to F.G. Emma & Jackie walked over from Troy’s, the second time they had seen Joanne, they stayed here all nite. 

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