The farm that Esther Lilly Hundley and her family lived on in Gales Creek
Cast of characters
–Esther Lilly Hundley & Charles Hundley (written as Charley/Chas), the author of the diaries and her husband.
–Bill (written as Billie) and Elsie, Esther and Charles’ firstborn and his wife.
–Ted and Thelma, Esther and Charles’ second-born and Ted’s wife.
–Gladys and Roy Bills (written as Mr. B. or Mr. Bills), Esther and Charles’ third-born and her boyfriend.
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Thur May 28 – A fine day. Emma & Jackie went over to Troy’s real early. We did our ironing. Went to pick berries early afternoon. Billie & Elsie & Ronnie came for awhile, got some berries.
Fri May 29 – Clear & hot. We went to pick berries. Gladie got 13 crate, made $2.60. I got 15 crate & 3 over, made $3.15. Emma & Vera, Jackie & Freddie came over awhile.
Sat May 30 – Decoration day. A nice one. We went to pick berries real early, picked till 11:30. Ted & Thelma & Billie came about one, they came down to help put out potatoes down at Balm Grove for Mr. Petersen. About 5 o’clock, here came Emma, Florence, Earnest, Mary Lee Pruett, Mildred, Mack, Troy, Vera, Melvin, Jackie & Freddie, they stayed till nearly 6. The kids all left before supper. Gladie & I got flowers ready & went to the cemetery, 6 years today since Dear Mother passed on.
Sun May 31 – A fine day. I made a pineapple cake. We fixed and went to the school picnic at Lyda’s, had a nice program & big dinner. Emma’s folks left for Tillamook about 2 o’clock. We all went to creek, where they went swimming. Emmet & 2 girls & a guy came out to Billie & Elsie’s, stayed all nite.
Mon June 1 – Cooler & clear. We went to pick berries, Gladie made $2.20, I made $2.80, got home at 4. Grandpa H. came over awhile. Oh yes, I went with Gladie to a show at Hillsboro Sunday nite, George Arless in “A Millionaire”, a dandy show, got home at 10.
Tue June 2 – Clear & warm. We went to pick berries, Gladie made $2.50, I made $3.00.
Wed June 3 – A warm day. We picked berries in old patch. Gladie only made $1.70. I only made $.90. Charley got a jack rabbit up in pasture.