The farm that Esther Lilly Hundley and her family lived on in Gales Creek
Cast of characters
–Esther Lilly Hundley & Charles Hundley (written as Charley/Chas), the author of the diaries and her husband.
–Bill (written as Billie) and Elsie, Esther and Charles’ firstborn and his wife.
–Ted and Thelma, Esther and Charles’ second-born and Ted’s wife.
–Gladys and Roy Bills (written as Mr. B. or Mr. Bills), Esther and Charles’ third-born and her boyfriend.
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Thur July 9 – Some cloudy. We did up work. I made a lemon filling cake, cooked green beans. I did a lot of cooking. Grandma, Dick & Oscar came about 9 o’clock. Stayed all day. Afternoon, Dick & I went up on summit to pick black berries, got about 2 gallon, gave them all to Grandma, gave them some garden stuff. They went home about 4:30. Jim Hardin was here for dinner, also after supper. The kids all came down to work spuds. Gladie went to a show, I guess.
Fri July 10 – Some cloudy. We ironed. Charley got a big rabbit up in the pasture about 8 o’clock. Gladie went up to Camp real early. Ted & Thelma came down after supper, the kids hoed potatoes again.
Sat July 11 – A warm day. Started to put hay in barn today. Ted, Jim, Charley & Gladie. Did usual Sat. work & a lot of cooking. After supper, Ted & Jim went to creek to take a bath. Gladie, Thelma, Joanne, Troy, Vera, Freddie & I all went to town. The Schrinners had a big parade on the streets, we got home just before 10.
Sun July 12 – A nice hot day. I made a sponge cake & did other cooking. After noon Ted, Thelma, Joanne & I went down to Grandma’s to take them some rabbit meat. We stayed for supper and went to a show, “Woman Hungry”, it was in colors, a dandy good show, Lila Lee played in it. We got home at 10:45. Gladie went on a picnic over the mountain & to a show at F.G. Charley went to a ball game at G.C., Manning & G.C. G.C. won the game.
Mon July 13 – Cloudy. They put in hay today. I did usual work & a lot of cooking. Troy was here for dinner. After supper, Gladie & I went up to see Billie & Elsie was Billie’s 32nd birthday. I just gave him a pair of silk sox.
Tue July 14 – Cloudy. I put out a wash, we churned. they put in hay.
Wed July 15 – Cloudy & sunshine. I made light bread & lemon & raspberry pies. Thelma put a wash for Joanne. They finished putting in our hay about 10:30. Then started on Troy’s. I picked a bucket of B.B. along the ditch.