The farm that Esther Lilly Hundley and her family lived on in Gales Creek
Cast of Characters
–Esther Lilly Hundley & Charles Hundley (written as Charley/Chas), the author of the diaries and her husband.
–Bill (written as Billie) and Elsie, Esther and Charles’ firstborn and his wife.
–Ted and Thelma, Esther and Charles’ second-born and Ted’s wife.
–Gladys and Roy Bills (written as Mr. B. or Mr. Bills), Esther and Charles’ third-born and her boyfriend.
Wed Apr 20-Still showery. I made light bread & churned. Thelma put out a wash. Gladie went fishing but got none. After noon, Gladie & I went out to look for mushrooms. Gladie got a lot in J. Ranes prune orchard. I got 4 up in Skinner’s pasture.
Thur Apr 21-Clear & big frost. I made a cake. Ted & Thelma went home about 10:30, thought the mill might run. Gladie went to a show, I guess after supper.
Fri Apr 22-Cloudy. We ironed, cleaned upstairs. Grandpa Herrick came over for an hour or more. Billie came down a few minutes after noon, brought the old high chair, they moved Thursday up to their new house at Oscar Raines Camp.
Sat Apr 23-Showery. We did usual Sat. work, took a bath. Ted & Thelma came about 9. Arthur Clark came for awhile. Thelma, Gladie & I went to F. G. in p.m. Ted cleaned up around his house. They went home after supper. Arthur Clark & Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Holcome came down about 8, stayed till 11.
Sun Apr 24-Quite a nice day. I made some pies, a butterscotch & custard. We were alone for dinner. After noon, we went down to G.C. to a ball game. G.C. and Cherry Grove, C.G. won the game. When we got back, Billie, Elsie, Ronnie & Emmet came, had lunch, then they went on to Portland to take E.K., stayed all nite with Mrs. Paris. Gladie went to a show.
Mon Apr 25-A nice day. Just did usual work. I made 2 rhubarb pies. Grandpa H. came for over an hour. After noon, I finished spading up the flower garden. Gladie slept some. Billie, Elsie & Emmet came by at 10:20 in nite from Portland. Emmet came to stay awhile.
Tue Apr 26-A beautiful day. I put out a wash. Charley & Emmet hauled manure all day. Gladie went fishing over on Iler Creek. Arthur Clark came awhile.