Column, Gales Creek, History

Column | The Diaries of Esther Lilly Hundley: December 22 – 28, 1930

Esther Lilly Hundley

Cast of characters

–Esther Lilly Hundley & Charles Hundley (written as Charley/Chas), the author of the diaries and her husband.

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–Bill (written as Billie) and Elsie, Esther and Charles’ firstborn and his wife. 

–Ted and Thelma, Esther and Charles’ second-born and Ted’s wife.

–Gladys and Roy Bills (written as Mr. B. or Mr. Bills), Esther and Charles’ third-born and her boyfriend. 

Mon Dec 22 – Cold & big frost, the shortest day of the year. I put out a wash for Thelma & baby, got it dry & ironed by 9:15. Ted went to town. Thelma got out of hospital about 2:30, they went up to her mother’s to stay awhile. Gladie & I went to town to finish our Xmas shopping. Billie & Elsie were in town. We went over to school house to Xmas program. 

Tue Dec 23 – Cold & frosty. I put out a wash and usual work. Wrapped Xmas packages. Billie & Elsie came down in afternoon. I made some marshmellows. Gladie made peanut brittle. The kids went home about 7:30. Gladie & I went to G.C. to Xmas program. 

Wed Dec 24 – Cold & a frost. I made a sponge cake & killed & dressed a duck. Gladie went & brought her traps in. Charley went to haul lumber from Rains & Rogers mill, got back at one o’clock. I wrapped our Xmas packages. We slept a little, then David came, he, Tommie & Minnie came over from Tillamook, he stayed all nite at Troy’s. After supper, we had our Xmas gifts. No one here, only Charley, Gladie & myself, first time, Billie & Ted had not been here for Xmas exe. We missed them. Gladie got 2 pr. silk hose, I got 3 pr.

Thur Dec 25 – Xmas Day. A little colder and just a few flakes of snow fell but it turned to rain. I made one butterscotch pie and made a big dish of potato salad. Roasted a duck. Tommie came over awhile. Charley, David, Gladie & I went up to Camp to take dinner with Billie & Elsie & Ronnie, Rife, Irene, & Velma were there, had a dandy dinner, Goose & duck both. We took their box of Xmas gifts up, they gave us–Charley-pipe, Gladie-photograph album, me-a towel set, all nice. We came home 3:30. Gladie went to a show. Ted & Thelma were up to Kendall’s for Xmas. 

Fri Dec 26 – Cloudy. I did ironing real early (STOP) (ELH)

Gladie starts writing from here, Esther went to stay at Grandma Hundley, Grandma is sick)

Tom and Dick came by on their way to Tillamook, took presents and fruit. I (Gladie) made a board walk path to the mail box in the a.m. Fixed little hen house window after dinner. Got a telephone call at Herrick’s from Aunt Norma that Grandma is sick. Wants mama to come down to North Plains. Ma washed her hair, don’t you know. Dad hauled lumber from Raines mill. 

Sat Dec 27 – Big frost. We did up work real early. Dad, Ma and myself started down to Grandma’s at 9 o’clock. Ma stayed down. Dad & I came back by Aunt Maggie’s. Got home at 3:30. Bill & Elsie came by for awhile. But couldn’t stay. I put pictures in album. A licking good job. 

Sun Dec 28 – Big frost. Done up usual Sunday work, made a cake. Nobody here all day. Dad went hunting in afternoon. I slept some. Went to the show at Forest Grove, Lewis Stone in “The Office Wife”. A good show. Snowed some coming home. But who can stop it. 

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