
Letter to the Editor: Why Kristi Wilson belongs on the PCC Board of Directors

Deanna Palm is a Hillsboro resident and a former Zone 7 PCC Director When I think of Kristi Wilson, many qualities come to mind: A tireless worker with nearly two decades of experience and public service in Washington County. A champion in advancing career opportunities for youth and adults. A[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor: In response to Oregon Hunters Association migratory habitat letter

Don Backman is a resident of Bay City. I read with interest the article which you published (“Letter to the Editor: Oregon Hunters Association, Nov. 11″) from Jim Akenson, Senior Conservation Director, Oregon Hunters Association, and Lori McKinnon, President, Coastal Farm & Ranch. They raise a very important point. While[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor: Oregon Hunters Association

Jim Akenson, Senior Conservation Director, OHA, and Lori McKinnon, President, Coastal Farm & Ranch Oregon Hunters Association (OHA), a group of conservation-minded sportsmen, urges Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) to develop and implement a policy to enhance and conserve migratory habitat for big game, and all wildlife that[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor: Let voters decide on cap and trade

A log truck parks in front of Oregon’s capitol in June 2019 at a Timber Unity protest. Photo: Kevin Magwood Adam Lardy, Buxton resident, Vice President and founding board member of Timber Unity I never thought my voice mattered in politics and so I wasn’t involved much. It seemed the politicians[Read More…]

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