The next meeting of the Gales Creek Community Club will be held Thursday, May 23 at 6:30 p.m. inside the Gales Creek Library. The group will also jointly meet with the Gales Creek Neighborhood Watch. Most of the leadership of the community club and the neighborhood watch is involved in both groups.
Gales Creek
The Gales Creek, Verboort and Roy CPO 13 is taking steps to relaunch
Move over, CPO 14: the Gales Creek, Roy and Verboort-area Community Participation Organization (enumerated as CPO 13) is also in the process of launching, just weeks after CPO 14 officially launched.
What’s going on in Gales Creek this weekend, May 17
There’s live music at two spots in Gales Creek this weekend!
Gales Creek Fire Station to get new coat of paint
The 1980s are coming to an end in downtown Gales Creek.
What’s going on in Gales Creek this weekend, May 10
A cleanup at the Gales Creek Church, Live music at the Smokehouse and a Mother’s Day concert at Carpenter Creek are all on tap for this weekend in the Gales Creek area.
Man arrested in Gales Creek over North Plains theft
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office said that construction equipment stolen from North Plains was tracked down to a Gales Creek-area home and arrested Shaun Billman, 40 on May 2 over the theft.
What’s going on in Gales Creek this weekend, May 3
Live music in Gales Creek, Dilley, and more this weekend and next.
Church grounds cleanup rescheduled to May 11
A cleanup day at the Gales Creek Church originally planned for Saturday, May 4 has been postponed to May 11 due to expected adverse weather, the Gales Creek Garden Club said.
Oak Grove Academy closed in Gales Creek due to water main break
The Forest Grove School District said that the Oak Grove Academy campus at the Gales Creek School closed early for the day due to a water main break in the area. It wasn’t immediately clear if other customers were without water in Gales Creek.
Vehicle chase ends on Gales Creek Road west of Watts
After causing a crash in Cornelius and near Verboort, a fleeing driver was tackled and arrested after a PIT maneuver was used to force her off Gales Creek Road west of Stringtown Road.